An alternative to general anaesthetic: hypnosis
As shown on my homepage, I have experience with operational treatment under hypnosis. Due to legislation for panel doctors, however, it is difficult in some places to carry out such an operation even when the patient requests this. Clinics have their doctors under contract so that I have little hope for an acceptance of my measures and fear of legal consequences is also an issue.
My attention is turned to two areas in which a clear advantage for hypnotical support exists: firstly obstetrics since many desire a delivery, which is quick and painless for both mother and child. What is better than a stress-free delivery? Secondly in the area of plastic and cosmetic surgery. Here the advantage is to avoid swelling, haemorrhage, scar formation and last but not least postoperative pains. What worries plastic surgeons is changes in the tissue which can occur after an operation and which can undo all efforts or allow the overall picture to appear in a negative light. By using hypnosis I exert influence on negative factors so at the end the overall picture corresponds to the expectation.